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Mega Session Hair Transplant: Full Coverage with 6000 Grafts and Over

To achieve full coverage for Norwood stages 5A, 6, and 7, at least 6000 grafts are needed. These hair transplants in Turkey are usually done in two sessions. Doctors often use body and beard hair as secondary donor sources.
At Dr. Resul Yaman Hair Clinic, two hair surgery options with 6000 grafts and above are offered. Let’s talk about these options under headings.

Ideal Options for Patients with No Constraints

Let’s talk about the option available for patients who have a good financial situation, no travel restrictions, and no problems getting time off work. The hair surgeon will perform 3500-4000 grafts in the first session, focusing on the front and mid-scalp areas. One year later, in the second session, the best hair transplant surgeon will implant 2000-2500 grafts to the crown area.

This option is ideal for the healing process. Also, the hair density in the frontal area is always more important visually. The transplanted hair growth in the frontal region will be full in one year.

When the patient comes for the second session, the doctor will check the frontal area. If there is a lack of hair density or other issues, corrections and repairs can be made before covering the crown area with hair.

Mega Session Option

For patients with travel restrictions who cannot afford to spend time on multiple sessions, there is the mega session option. In a mega session hair transplant procedure, the surgeon can perform a total of 6000 grafts or more in just two days.

On the first day, the doctor will use more than half of the donor site to extract around 3000-3500 grafts. The next day the doctor performs the implantation by harvesting 3000 grafts from the nape of the neck and beard area, completing the session. (You can check beard hair transplant near me)

The doctor can perform a mega session for patients who need 7000 hair grafts and have good hair density in their donor area. Using the FUE (follicular unit extraction) method, the doctor takes hair grafts from the back of the head and the beard to reach the 7000 grafts needed for the transplant.

The Benefits of a Two-Day Mega Session for Hair Restoration

Although 6000 grafts and 7000 grafts for hair plantation surgery may seem intimidating, Dr. Resul Yaman has extensive experience with patients who undergo this procedure. His patients report satisfaction with their hair restoration results.

Additionally, splitting the operation into two days reduces risks during the recovery process. Because the daily harvesting number of grafts is lower, the extraction process goes smoothly. The risk of over-harvesting, a common issue in hair restorations, is minimized with the mega session option.

Boosting Patient Confidence

Finding a solution for wide balding area, like Norwood stages 5, 6, and 7, can significantly boost a patient’s confidence. Patients can escape temporary solutions, like hairpieces and medical treatments, and achieve permanent results through hair surgery. Exciting results with high satisfaction rates allow patients to regain their naturally-looking hair.

Patients in their 40s, 50s, or older often prefer the mega session hair transplant when needing 5000 grafts or more to solve male pattern baldness. These patients evaluate the mega session option to avoid wasting time and not wanting to undergo two or three separate sessions for hair replacement operations.

Dr. Yaman plans a higher frontal line for patients aged 50 and older. In other words, it adjusts the forehead areas of the patients as a maturated hairline to suit them.

This approach reduces the size of the recipient areas, allowing for denser and thicker hair to be transplanted. Patients over 50 can achieve natural-looking hair that suits them. (Look at hair restoration surgery near me.)

Young Patients Considering Mega Session Hair Transplant

Younger patients in their 30s with significant hair loss at Norwood stages 5A, 6, or 7 may also consider the mega session hair transplant. In his 15 years of experience, Dr. Yaman has performed numerous mega sessions on younger patients as young as 20 or 21.

Younger patients tend to prefer having the first session and then waiting a year for the second session. They see this approach as more cautious and reliable compared to older patients.

For young patients needing 5000 grafts or more, the frontal line should be planned higher, and the recipient area should be made smaller.

While young patients may want a smaller forehead, it is better to use the donor area efficiently by planning a higher hairline and minimizing the recipient area. This way, they can achieve a look with thick, naturally dense, healthy hairs instead of sparse, unnatural strands.

Best Place for Hair Transplant

Hair transplant costs can vary depending on the number of grafts and other factors. Dr. Resul Yaman Hair Clinic offers personalised options and carefully plans Norwood 6 and Norwood 7 hair transplants. Whether through mega sessions or two-session approaches, Dr. Yaman ensures patients get natural-looking results with efficient use of donor areas.

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