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When Can I Wash My Hair Normally After a Hair Transplant?

After your hair transplant surgery, the recipient area containing your newly implanted hair follicles will be extremely fragile. Scabbing will also start to form, which will need to be removed so the hair follicles can breathe. And the only way to do that is to wash your hair.

But the thing is, you can’t just wash your hair following your routine. That’s why following the doctor’s advice and aftercare plan is essential. Whether it’s an FUE hair transplant or DHI hair transplant in Turkey, you have nothing to worry about regarding pain. Failure to do so can result in grafts dislodging from their place and potentially ruining the fantastic results you would have gotten further down the line. Below, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about washing your hair after a hair transplant surgery, starting with your first hair wash.

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The First Hair Wash After Your Hair Transplant Surgery

While the skill and expertise of the surgeon performing your hair transplant surgery in Turkey will play a big factor in achieving your desired results, so will your adherence to the post-operative care instructions provided by Dr. Yaman.

Doctor Yaman recommends avoiding washing your hair for the first 48-72 hours after the operation. That will give your newly transplanted hair follicles the necessary time to settle before they get exposed to water.

Your first hair wash will be done by the doctor. During the hair wash, he will show you everything you need to know about washing your hair the right way while your scalp is healing. This is also the time when you can ask any questions you may have regarding post-operative care.

Tips for Washing Your Hair After the Hair Transplant Surgery

At some point, you’ll need to start washing your hair on your own while your newly transplanted hair follicles are still healing. Below, we’ll go over some of the general tips Dr. Yaman recommends for washing your hair after your hair transplant surgery.

  • You should wash your hair slowly and gently for the first ten days after the hair transplantation.
  • You can wash your hair every day, but avoid overwashing it, as that can damage the hair follicles.
  • Don’t use the shower for the first few washes due to the high water pressure. The best way to wash your hair, in the beginning, is by using a bowl filled with water.
  • It’s crucial that you don’t accidentally scratch your scalp with your nails while washing your hair.
  • The movement of your fingers should go from your forehead all the way down to the back of your neck, in a vertical motion. Avoid washing your hair in circular motions.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly.

Following all of the tips from above will guarantee that you not only get the best results, but that you don’t risk exposing your scalp to any unnecessary damage, scarring, or infection.

Also Read: After The Hair Transplant Operation – Here’s What to Expect

FAQs About Washing Hair After a Hair Transplant Surgery

Can I Use Lotion When Washing My Hair After a Hair Transplant Surgery?

Yes, Dr. Yaman advises that you apply lotion to your scalp, especially in the areas that are starting to form scabs. If you don’t want to use a free-flowing lotion, you can also use foam. They both work extremely well in softening up the scab tissue.

It’s crucial that you don’t rub your hair with the lotion. Instead, apply the lotion thoroughly and carefully, and let it sit for 30 minutes. After that, wash it with non-pressured water. Once the scabs have healed up, you can stop using the lotion.

During the first two weeks after the surgery, Dr. Yaman also advises that you use panthenol spray to alleviate any discomfort in your skin. You can also apply antibiotic cream to the donor area to promote healing. Make sure that you don’t apply that same antibiotic cream to your recipient area. After about a week of using the antibiotic cream, your donor area should be healed up.

Also Read: The Day of the Hair Transplant Operation

What is the Best Shampoo for Washing Your Hair After a Hair Transplant?

The shampoo you use to wash your hair before and after hair transplant is a crucial component of your aftercare routine. Dr. Yaman advises that you use shampoos that are free from parabens. This means going for nourishing and natural shampoos over shampoos that contain harsh chemical formulas, which can damage your hair follicles before they settle into their new environment.

Depending on how oily your scalp is and the outcome of the operation, Dr. Resul Yaman may recommend a specific type of shampoo to use. He will also tell you to mix the shampoo with water and apply it to your scalp rather than applying the shampoo directly. This is the safest way to wash your hair, especially in the first days after your procedure.

washing hair after hair transplant

What is the Best Way to Go About Drying Your Hair After Your Surgery?

When it comes to drying your hair, you need to follow a different routine for your donor and recipient area. Dr. Yaman recommends drying your recipient area with a paper towel. Simply apply the paper towel over the grafts using soft and gentle movements. That way, the paper towel will absorb all the moisture without affecting the grafts. Make sure you never rub the grafts with the paper towel, as that can cause them to dislodge. As for your donor area, you can dry your scalp using a standard towel. Make sure to avoid using a hair dryer, but if you are keen on it, it must run on the slowest and coolest setting. That way, your grafts won’t be affected.

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