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4035 Grafts Hair Transplant Before and After

Hey, if you’re curious about hair transplants in general, you should take a look at Dr. Resul Yaman’s 4035 grafts hair transplant before and after results. The patient’s hair in the video and photos looks fantastic at the 7-month mark.

The result of 4000 graft hair transplantation of 4 Norwood patients in their late 20s. Although this patient is in his 20s, the normal hairline of the 30s was applied to the patient. The normal hairline of the 30s will also look natural when the patient reaches the age of 50. Photos of the patient on the first day after the operation were also shared. These redness heal completely in about 10 days. In some cases, redness may last up to 1 month.

  • Their hair density is great in both the donor and recipient areas.
  • Resul Yaman effortlessly combs through their hair without any loss of density.
  • After the procedure, the patient will have permanently transplanted hair.

Are you dealing with baldness or thinning hair? Then I have a suggestion for you! You should consider reaching out to  Dr. Resul Yaman Clinic.

When you contact the clinic, don’t worry about communication as you will be guided by a friendly consultant who speaks your language.

By the way, you will surely have questions about the results of 4035 grafts hair transplant before and after the procedure. Do not hesitate to ask questions at Dr. Resul Yaman Hair Transplant Clinic! Especially the doctor and his team will explain the hair transplant process and note your needs and expectations.

What are 4000 Graft Hair Transplant Results?

In this part of the article, it will give you an idea if we talk about the different types of grafts used in hair restoration. Dr. Resul Yaman and his team applied 4035 grafts including 1020 single grafts, 2240 double grafts and 775 multiple grafts to the patient during a 4000 graft hair transplant in Turkey. Now, let’s see how the situation looks like after 7 months:

  • Initially, the patient in the video had thinning hair on the temple and crown areas.
  • The patient’s 4035 grafts hair transplant before and after results pictures showed a significant improvement after only 7 months.
  • Have you heard about the importance of the hairline in hair grafting? You can see that the patient’s hairline in the video is natural and symmetrical…
  • Isn’t the doctor’s transplanted hair perfectly matched to his original texture?

The photos clearly show us all the success of the hair transplant. The patient’s hair is thicker and healthier after the surgical procedure… In short, when performed by skilled surgeons like Dr. Resul Yaman, a 4000 graft hair transplant can help patients achieve their desired hair goals.

4000 Grafts Hair Transplant Cost

If you’ve be­en looking into 4035 grafts hair transplant before and afte­r results and are curious about a 4000 graft hair transplant cost in Turkey, this section is for you. The price of a 4035 graft hair transplant can vary de­pending on several factors.

At Dr. Re­sul Yaman Hair Transplant Clinic, you can expect high-quality service­. The doctor and his team professionally pe­rform the 4000 graft hair transplant procedure, de­livering satisfying results. As one of the­ best hair transplant clinics in Turkey, Dr. Resul Yaman Hair Transplant Clinic offe­rs quality service at prices that are­ more affordable compared to Europe­ and the USA.

The reason why hair transplant price­s in Turkey are more budge­t-friendly compared to Europe and Ame­rica is the competitive cost structure­ of the healthcare se­ctor in Turkey. Patients coming for hair transplants can rece­ive top-notch service from the­ most experience­d surgeons at more reasonable­ costs.

After reviewing 4035 grafts hair transplant before and after results, you can contact Dr. Resul Yaman’s clinic for specific pricing information.

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