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Is Hair Transplant Surgery a Viable Option for Treating Baldness?

Hair loss and baldness is incredibly common amongst men over the age of 40, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t impact your self-esteem and wellbeing. Many studies have found that men suffering with hair loss can often experience anguish, a lack of self confidence, and even depression – which is why so much research and development is put into finding effective solutions.

One of the most common solutions is a hair transplant: both FUE and DHI treatments can help to restore the hair to its former fullness and vitality; this process is achieved by either manually inserting the hair grafts to the scalp, or performing the same procedure using a special grafting tool. But is hair transplant surgery a viable option for treating baldness? Let’s take a look.

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What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a treatment used to combat hair loss and hair thinning, primarily in men. It is as its name implies, a transplant of healthy hair follicles onto your scalp. The transplant surgery involves taking a grafts of hair from another area of the scalp (or from certain areas of the body if there is no hair available on the head) and transplanting the follicles onto the intended re-growth area. Hair transplants are typically performed on the head, but can equally be used to encourage beard growth and facial hair.

The precise details of your treatment will depend on whether you opt for an FUE hair transplant, a FUT hair transplant or a DHI treatment. With an FUE hair transplant, the hair grafts will usually be removed from the back of the scalp one by one, whereas with a FUT transplant, the surgeon will typically remove a strip from the scalp, before

A DHI hair transplant is slightly different in that it involves using a special tool to insert individual grafts into the head; this method is usually favoured by people who want minimal scarring and a quicker recovery period.

How does a hair transplant work?

By excising the healthy hair follicles, a hair transplant surgeon will be able to transplant them into the recipient area, which effectively creates a . After the transplant is complete, the healthy hair grafts will take time to become established and start to grow normally again; this usually takes around four months for most people, but can vary from person to person.

Once the transplanted hair has taken root, it should continue to grow in a healthy manner – without any further intervention from you or your surgeon. The end result of a successful hair transplant surgery should be a natural-looking – and full – head of hair that stands up against everyday styling and grooming practices – although do note that you’ll be obliged to wait out the recovery period before being able to style your hair as normal.

Also Read: How Is the Natural Appearance Achieved in Hair Transplantation?

Do hair transplants work?

Yes! Hair transplants – when performed by a licensed professional – are incredibly effective at restoring a full head of hair, whether you’re suffering from male-pattern baldness or genetic hair thinning and hair loss.

Is a hair transplant right for me?

A hair transplant is the ideal option for anyone suffering from the following hair loss conditions:

  • Male pattern baldness
  • Hair loss due to genetics
  • Age-related hair loss
  • Premature hair thinning or hair loss

What’s great about a hair transplant surgery is that while you will experience some discomfort (as well as a few weeks of recovery time), the results are permanent; in most cases, you won’t need to return to the surgery for more procedures or treatments.

Plus, the procedure is entirely affordable for those who choose to go abroad; you can take a look at  hair transplant in Turkey before and after pictures to get an idea of just how effective the procedure is when handled by a professional.

If you’re dealing with minimal hair thinning (such as stress-related hair loss), a hair transplant might not be the best option; you might want to prefer trying less invasive home remedies and other treatments, such as Platelet Rich Plasma therapy; Platelet Rich Plasma therapy can help to stimulate the hair follicles and encourage natural regrowth. Hair transplants are also not typically suitable for those with alopecia.

Read Next: How Long Does It Take to See Results After a Hair Transplant?

The bottom line

Ultimately, hair transplant surgery is a viable option for those looking for a permanent solution to long-term and severe hair loss; not only will a hair transplant restore your hair, but it will also help to your confidence and your smile!

Dr. Resul YAMAN

Dr. Resul Yaman is a highly experienced and renowned hair transplant surgeon. With over 13 years of expertise, he has transformed the lives of countless individuals through his innovative “modified low-speed micromotor” technique. Dr. Yaman’s commitment to using the latest methods and providing personalized care has established him as one of Turkey’s leading specialists. He specializes in hair transplantation, including eyebrow, mustache, and beard transplants. Dr. Yaman is dedicated to contributing to the hair transplant community, his work was featured in Hair Transplant Network, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons, Hair Restoration Social Network, and other renowned niche publications.


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